【論文】Measurement of the scintillation efficiency for nuclear recoils in liquid argon under electric fields up to 3 kV/cm

Physical Review Dに”Measurement of the scintillation efficiency for nuclear recoils in liquid argon under electric fields up to 3 kV/cm”の論文が公開されました。

著者名: M. Kimura, M. Tanaka, T. Washimi and K. Yorita
論文題目: Measurement of the scintillation efficiency for nuclear recoils in liquid argon under electric fields up to 3 kV/cm
雑誌名: Physical Review D 100, 032002 (2019)
発行日: 2019年8月1日
Link: https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.100.032002
